App development update

Hope things are going well. I was wondering if there was an update on development? Seems like the January deadlines from December update passed.

I love deadlines. I like the whooshing noise they make as they go by.
Douglas Adams

I’ll have more to share next week! :love_letter:


:smile: looking forward to it.

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Sill waiting for updates…


Any more updates on this? Really looking forward to the next big milestone!

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Can’t wait too and for more test flight seats !

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Same here! Would love to try out the beta!

I was interested in this app’s development, but the lack of any updates or info has caused me to lose interest.

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Are there any news ?

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Almost 6 months into 2024 now, please let us know of any updates.


yes please I want to hear news about the app, it seems to be hibernating

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Are there any updates on the platform? I signed up for the flight test but did not receive any correspondence. I would love to try this product looking for something more viable for our company.

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Don’t hold your breath.

I really appreciate the innovative work and ideas put into developing this app. I’ve been eagerly following its progress and I’m still excited about the potential it holds.

However, I must express my growing concern regarding the delays in the product release and most importantly the lack of consistent communication with the community. In my opinion, there’s a serious trust issue developing here. For example, stating that there will be updates soon and never following up, is not a good sign.

If and when it’s finally released, I truly believe it’s going to be a big hit. However, it’s difficult for me to imagine relying my workflow on this email solution when there’s a constant fear that it might be abandoned shortly after its launch (considering the company’s track record: Big Mail 1 was discontinued in less than 2 years, Big News was last updated 7 months ago).

I think the most important investment here must be to secure the longevity of the project, provide the necessary guarantees, and rebuild trust with the community.

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I do agree with chris sentiment that the communication and updates is seriously lacking.

But also would like to reach out to phill.

If there’s anything you really should take to heart, I think it’s the fact that your ideas and ambitions with this project has managed to inspire and excite so many users out there. I think your visions is really inspiring.

For the last 18 months or so I would have periods where I would check in daily on twitter, mastodont, reddit and here looking for updates. And I’m quite busy by day,
But thats how excited I’v been for your project.

So, thanks for the ambition and vision!

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I almost find it more discouraging that the TestFlight app was updated to avoid it exposing, but there’s no indication any development/changes were actually made to the app.

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You’re not wrong. To be fair I can’t imagine why wouldn’t Philip log in once a month or so and post some update (even if the update is that there’s nothing new to report etc.)

I know software development isn’t easy, especially as a one man shop. I’m sure email is one of the more complicated types of products you could create. But man, I’m still hoping for this project come to fruition as there are really no decent email apps that work across all Apple platforms.

I’d love to see Big Mail be that app!