Deleting emails doesn’t work

What happened?
Can’t delete emails - apologies, couldn’t see if this was intentional in this early release from the known issues! If so, please ignore.

What did you expect to happen?
Delete the email in question

Steps to reproduce

Swipe email, select the dots, then tap trash, email remains in inbox

What version of iOS?

What build number of Big Mail?
(You can find this in TestFlight)


Otherwise - really liking the ideas in this early version

Thanks for the report Alex!

Just so I fully understand: you’re unable to move a message to the trash folder? Are you able to archive okay? And what mail provider does this happen on?


Yes - Archive works fine. Just moving to trash that doesn’t seem to work at the moment.

Gmail account is the only I’ve connected this far.

Thanks Alex, let me take a look and see what I can do :hammer_and_wrench:

Hey Alex, just to let you know this should be now be fixed in the latest build. Head to TestFlight and update to Build 29.

Let me know how you get on :grinning:

Yep - it’s fixed. I can happily delete now so will play around a lot more :slight_smile:

That’s great news! Keep me posted if there’s anything else you find :slight_smile: