Gmail alias with SMTP server

What happened?
I have a few aliases set up in Gmail for my custom domain for the purposes of sending email via SMTP (routing through Migadu).

I set up one of these aliases in Big Mail as a test.
(Side note: typo in the subtitle on the “Add Alias” screen — “alisses” → “aliases”)

Sending an email from Big Mail using this alias seems sends an email with the From header set to my Gmail email. Sending via Gmail configures From to be my alias.

What did you expect to happen?
I would expect the behavior to be the same — sending using the alias in Big Mail would send using the SMTP server configured for that alias in Gmail.

There’s a good chance this isn’t actually a bug and I’m misunderstanding how Gmail aliases work, in which case sorry for filing this bug report. :slight_smile:

Steps to reproduce

What mail provider(s) are you using?

What version of iOS?

What build number of Big Mail?

Thanks for the typo!

Right now Big Mail only supports aliases from the same origin. That is to say, if your alias is relayed through a separate SMTP server it won’t work. Gmail AFAIK only does this relaying on the web interface; it has no effect on clients. However if your alias is managed by Gmail/iCloud/etc it will work.

I’ll get to SMTP relays eventually, just not right away. Sorry about that!

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