HUGE KUDOS! Big Mail is beyond impressive

I just wanted to take a moment and give a HUGE kudos to Phillip. Big Mail is quickly shaping up to be a far superior experience to any email client out there. Big Mail balances simplicity without sacrificing power. It’s also extremely stable considering it’s still in beta. I can’t imagine the word that’s gone into building Big Mail.

Not to mention it gets better and better with every release and with additional features and it feels like you’re truly listening to feedback. You’re cranking them out quickly! I hope you’re sleeping :laughing:

Really love what’s coming out of Big Mail and I know many many others will too once it’s shipped live. I can’t wait to test out the Mac client and to see Big Mail get launched to the world. It’s seriously an incredible experience!

Big, big kudos to you!


Thank you for the kind words :heart_hands:

And thank you all for the feedback so far, it’s massively appreciated!

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