Questions and recommendations

Hi! Love today’s update with the emojis! I have a few questions and feature recommendations.

  1. Is there a way to auto-tag emails with custom tags? I see the option for smart tags but not for custom tags.

  2. I would like the option to change the archive button in the email view to a delete button or even better have both buttons available in that view.

  3. Tinting for emails sometime works and sometimes doesn’t. Is this a know issue?

  4. Integrating the reminders API would be really handy. I tend to create reminders in Apple reminders based off of emails and having that built in so the reminder has a link back to the specific email would be really cool.

  5. Long pressing the app icon for a new email shortcut would be handy.

  6. Any plans to integrate the focus mode API? Focus modes are a huge part of my workflow.

  7. Any plans for shortcuts integration?

  8. Ability to keep the email box collapsed. Currently it reopens when the app is closed. Maybe this is a bug?

  9. Is it possible to create nicknames for contacts?

I’ve used most these for shortcuts in the past.

Thanks for taking the time to give such thoughtful feedback!

Is there a way to auto-tag emails with custom tags? I see the option for smart tags but not for custom tags.

There’s no way right now, only Smart Label as you mention. This is something we’ll look at in the future, but it needs a bit of thought as it’s not entirely straightforward.

I would like the option to change the archive button in the email view to a delete button or even better have both buttons available in that view.

Long press on it and you can swap it to trash or whatever you like. There is a bug right now where this change isn’t persisted, but I’ll get that fixed asap.

Integrating the reminders API would be really handy. I tend to create reminders in Apple reminders based off of emails and having that built in so the reminder has a link back to the specific email would be really cool.

Any plans for shortcuts integration?

Lots on the way with reminders and sharing and more…but that’s all I can say for now :zipper_mouth_face:

Long pressing the app icon for a new email shortcut would be handy.

Agreed! I’ll probably add this when I add the default mail app handling stuff.

Ability to keep the email box collapsed. Currently it reopens when the app is closed. Maybe this is a bug?

Yeah I’d like to add this, but currently no API exposed for it in SwiftUI. I’ve filed a feedback with Apple.

Is it possible to create nicknames for contacts?

Plan is for it to use your names, rather than you managing two separated places for it. This isn’t working properly yet though.

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